Project Description

DES [1-3] IGF-1:
DES IGF-1 is an IGF-1 variant, and like IGF-1 LR3 mentioned above, it displays all the same characteristics as its cousin, such as the ability to cause muscle cell differentiation, the inhibition of muscle cell apoptosis, increased nutrient shuttling capacity, as well as anabolic & anti-catabolic effects. Structurally, DES differentiates itself from standard IGF-1, in that has been molecularly modified by cleaving 3 molecules from the IGF-1 chain. This results in a truncated form of IGF-1, which is almost 5X more potent than IGF-1 LR3 and a full 10X more potent than standard IGF-1.

That is not all. DES also has a very low affinity for binding proteins at only 1%, making DES an extremely usable form of IGF-1, while as much as 98% of standard IGF-1 will become bound to binding proteins and remain inactive, unavailable for use by skeletal muscle tissue. DES also has the ability to attach to lactic acid deformed receptor sites (during training, lactic acid build-up in muscle tissue can temporarily deform IGF-1 receptor sites, preventing IGF-1 from attaching to them during this period), allowing it to turn-on our muscle-building machinery during training.

The down-side to DES is that it possesses a relatively short half-life of about 20 minutes in length, compared to IGF-1 LR3, which will stay active for about a day. Because of the differences between the LR3 and DES versions of IGF-1, they are often used in different ways and for different purposes. One use for which DES has proven effective is in the area of site enhancement. Due to DES’s short active-life, the hormone will only circulate systematically for a relatively short period of time before becoming inactive. This means that the majority of DES’s active life will be spent at the injection site, affecting the target muscle to a greater degree in comparison to the rest of the body. Through DES’s impressive ability to stimulate muscle cell hyperplasia and combined with its potent anabolic activity, many users have reported significant and long-term changes in the size & shape of the treated muscle with regular use.
Common benefits of DES IGF-1 include:
* Increased muscle growth

* Decreased body fat

* Increased nutrient shuttling capacity

* Increased muscle pumps during training

* Increased muscle fullness

* The ability to cause muscle cell hyperplasia

* Regeneration of nerve tissue

* Site enhancement
Common side effects of DES IGF-1 include:
* Potential hypoglycemia at higher dosages (although unlikely at normal dosages).

* There have not yet been any studies examining the long-term effects of DES IGF-1 in humans, as is the case with most performance enhancing drugs. In terms of real-world experience, the IGF-1 class of drugs appears to maintain a rather mild disposition, having demonstrated a low side effect profile in users. Aside from possible hypoglycemia at higher dosages (which is due to the positive nutrient shuttling effects of the drug and easily rectified through the consumption of any nutrient able to elevate blood glucose), DES IGF-1 has been largely absent of any outward negative side effects. At this juncture, it is not unreasonable to assume that the IGF-1 category of drugs is significantly more benign in nature than AAS.
Recommendations for use:
* Dosing frequency is typically 3-5  per day, although DES can be administered as often as every 20 minutes if desired, although this is far from practical, not to mention costly. Today, there are multiple methods of administration, which an individual can choose from. One method of use includes administering DES IGF-1 about 5-10 minutes prior to training, as this results in improved nutrient shuttling during training (which directly increases protein synthesis), greater pumps, mild strength increases, and the ability to attach to IGF-1 receptor sites during training, which have been deformed by lactic acid. A second method of administration involves using PEG-MGF & DES IGF-1 in conjunction, with the goal of optimizing the process of hyperplasia in the target muscle. With this method, PEG-MGF is administered alone for 1-4 weeks, followed by the administration of DES IGF-1 for an equal number of weeks. It should be noted that we are still learning how to optimally use this drug(s), so adjustments to these protocols will likely be made as time goes by.

* The average dosing range is between 20-50 mcg per inject (dosage split bi-laterally).

* Unlike IGF-1 LR3, DES can be run for longer periods of time before incurring desensitization. This is due to DES’s much shorter active life. Because DES is active for such a short period of time and circulates throughout the body only briefly, desensitization is less likely to occur with even multiple daily injections, compared to a single injection of LR3. In order to experience desensitization at a rate equal to LR3, one would likely have to inject DES many times per day. Since few adhere to such a frequent injection schedule, rapid desensitization is extremely unlikely. When using DES once per day (taking 1-2 days off per week), most can use DES permanently without noticing any significant decrease in effectiveness.